Professional Fees
Our professional fees refer to payment for services and advice as set out under the terms and conditions of our appointment agreement with payment instalments based on agreed regular dates or at pre-defined stages of completed work.
We offer a range of professional fee solutions to correspond with our client's business or development model. Our fees are customised on a project basis and determined by the nature of the specific project as well as our client's needs and requirements; we focus on the following variables:
Our fee options are listed below, explaining their application and suitability. A combination or transferal of arrangements can be considered: at any given point, depending on the stage and progress of the proposed scheme.
Daily Time Charge
Our daily time charge solution at agreed rates can be adopted where the scope of works cannot reasonably be foreseen. Time-charged fees provide our clients with the flexibility for services to be put in place quicker than waiting for a brief and scope to be developed to allow a full fee proposal. Time-charged fees work well at the beginning of a project when the scope is unclear, and the construction costs are unknown and require a feasibility study or outline budget. Any reasonable time allocated by personnel on the services needed for the project will be calculated daily and charged accordingly with any other expenses and disbursements incurred.
Lump Sum Fixed Fee
Our lump sum agreed fixed fee will be calculated for a package of services where the project scope of works is clearly defined. To establish the parameters of services, the project size, cost and programme must be set out. The agreement will set out the services provided; any variable charges based on a change to the scope of works can then be established after that.
Percentage Fee
Our percentage fee is calculated for a package of services where the project scope of works is clearly defined. To establish the parameters of services, the project size, cost and programme must be set out. Percentage fees give our clients a reasonable indication of the total cost while allowing for flexibility if the project scope is increased. Percentages are based on the construction cost (excluding professional fees, development costs and value-added tax). The fee will automatically be adjusted to account for any changes in the estimated construction costs.
Retainer Fee
Our retainer fee is an agreed regular monthly charge for priority access to our services to acquire a prompt consultation. This fee option is presented to clients with whom we have an established stable working relationship. It provides our valued clients prompt service without needing prior notice or a scheduled appointment. It gives our client peace of mind that any emergency or issue will be attended to early and timely.
Contingency Fee
Our contingency fee is an optional arrangement for designated contractual services. This fee option is presented to clients with whom we have an established regular working relationship. We will agree to progress a claim while accumulating fees deducted from the award or settlement. Conversely, we will arrange to waive the professional fee if the claim is ultimately unsuccessful. Before any appointment or agreement, we will assess the claim and advise you on culpability, procedures to take the next step and the costs of bringing such a claim to a conclusion. Subject to the risks involved, we can discuss the arrangements on how you intend to discharge our fees if and when they become due.
Telephone: 020 3540 4581
Registered Office:
Coach House
Bellevue Road
N11 3NY
London Office:
475 Archway Road
N6 4HX
Home Counties Office:
10 Servas Court
63 Station Road
New Barnet